Auction Details
Located from Loyal, WI: 8 miles North on CTH K & P to Popple River Rd., then 1 3/4 mile West on Popple River Rd.
W4327 Popple River Rd., Owen, WI
Note: This auction has very few small items, so be on time.
Live On-Site & On-line bidding with
Thursday, April 04, 2024 - 11:00 AM
Lunch by Our Maker's Acres
Tractors & Skidsteer
JD 4850 MFWD diesel tractor w/CAH, 3 hyd. remotes, 20.8 R42 duals, 10 hole hub duals; lg. 1,000 pto, power shift trans., & 3,247 hrs. on complete engine overhaul (Ser. # RW4850P004240); JD 8640 4x4 articulated diesel tractor w/cab, 20.8x38 tires, 3 hyd. remotes, lg. 1000 3 pt. hitch, quad range trans. & approx. 3,000 hrs. on rebuilt motor (Ser. #8640H007420RW); JD 4620 diesel open station tractor w/ROP, 8 sp. syncro, 1000 pto, dual hyd., 20.8x38 rears, 3,200 hrs. on new motor & new clutch (Ser. #T813R01612R); JD 4440 2WD diesel tractor w/CAH, dual pto & 10,600 hrs. (Ser. #4440P012321R); JD 4430 2WD diesel tractor w/CAH, 8 front suitcase weights, 18.4x38 rears, dual hyd., dual pto, quad range trans., recent cab kit & 9,500 hrs. (Ser. #064523R); JD 325 diesel Skid Steer w/CAH, 2 sp., ext. hyd. & 5,500 hrs. (T00325B122041); JD 250 diesel skid steer w/3,100 hrs. (no buckets)
Planting & Tillage
JD 1750 conservation 6 row corn planter w/dry fert., precision plant boxes, soybean cups, new fert. discs & monitor (30” rows); JD 450 12’ D.D. pack wheel grain drill w/front grass seed boxes & rear hitch (6” spacing); JD 980 24’ hyd. wing fold field cultivator w/walking tandems, 5 bar spike tooth rear harrow & knock off bottoms; Brillion 24’ X fold high lift cultipacker w/light package; JD 235 21’ hyd. wing fold disk; Hiniker 11 shank 13’ chisel plow; JD 1350-1450 5x18 semi-mount plow w/newer mold boards & landslides; IH 720 6x18 SAR plow w/on-land hitch; IH 6 row narrow 30” cultivator;
Hay & Forage
NH FP240 forage chopper w/29P hay head (newer style head in exc. cond.), NH processor w/brand new rolls, Metal Alert III, set for 8 knives, light package, 70 gal. liquid applicator & walking tandems; NH 3PN 3 row corn head (#75348 – sells separately); JD 328 hay baler w/#40 thrower; JD 456 round baler w/net & twine (approx. 8,000 bales); Gehl 1540 Vortex blower; MF TD 1635 4 pod hyd. wing fold hay tedder w/540 pto; H&S HD 7+4 19’ chopper box w/high roof, apron, ext & H&S 15 tn. gear; (2) H&S HD 7+4 20’ twin auger chopper boxes w/H&S 14 tandem gear, new roof (other updates, liners, sprockets, etc.); H&S 12 wheel bi-fold hay rake; NI 5212 12’ disc bine w/rubber rolls; H&S 860 blower w/newer auger, paddles & band; Meyers 9x18 steel bale throw rack w/Knoweles 10 tn. gear; Loyal 60’ hay elevator w/transport;
General Farm & Misc.:
McHale #BS skid steer mount bale slicer w/3 pt. quick attach (#403267); Killbros 350 gravity box w/bin ext., 15’ S.S. hyd. auger & Knoweles 6072 running gear; approx. 200 bu. gravity box w/Minn. 10 tn. gear; H&S 370 tandem wooden manure spreader w/new web, apron chain, beater & gears; 3 sets of Agri-Speed hitches;
Consigned Machinery& Misc. Items:
The following items have been consigned by a few neighbors. JD 6105E diesel open station 2WD tractor w/12 sp. trans., power reverser, dual pto & 5,700 hrs. (Ser. #IP06105EV60001542-for info. call 715-223-8060); JD 7810 FWD diesel tractor w/CAH, front fenders, side mirrors, LED lights, 3 hyd. outlets, dual pto, buddy seat, axle mount hubs, 18.4x38 rears, 380-85R28 fronts & 4,780 hrs. (Ser. #RW7810PO10015 - for info. call 715-316-1556); For information on the following items call 715-613-9207: JD 970 30’ hyd-fold cultimulcher, JD 946 13’ hydro-fold rubber roll disc-bine w/light package; Derco approx. 400 bu. pto power gravity box w/wood ext. & Meyers 13 tn. gear; Miller 1000 gal. pull type field sprayer w/45’ booms & foam markers, IH 4000 gas swather w/15’ head, NH 256 side rake w/dolly wheel, H&S 8’ hay tedder, Meyers 300 bu. poly board manure spreader w/hyd. end gate; Meyers 160 bu. wooden manure spreader w/hyd. end gate; NI 362 steel manure spreader w/hyd. end gate; H&S 260 wooden manure spreader (wood hauler); Little giant 36’ hay & grain elevator w/motor; (2) 300 gal. fuel barrels w/Gasboy elec. pumps, 3 pt./loader mount bale spear; asst. of truck tires, 200 gal. fuel oil barrels; pallet of misc. JD parts
John Stiemann - Owner
SALES MANAGER PH 715-223-6345
Auctioneers: Tim Schindler, Curtiss, WI – Auctioneer (715) 223-4014 Registered Wisconsin Auctioneer #191
Terms: On site bidding: Cash or check w/NO BUYERS FEE. All purchases must be settled for on sale day, if credit is desired, contact Christensen Sales Corp. prior to sale day. Internet bidding with 3 % Buyers Fee - $1,000 Max per item. See website for payment terms and conditions.