
Auction Details

N4201 CTH I

Located from Prentice, WI: 12 miles West on Hwy 8 to CTH I, then 1 mile South on CTH I to farm.


Wednesday, April 02, 2025 - 10:30 AM
Lunch by Our Maker's Acres

JD 4240 2WD diesel tractor w/CAH, 18.4x38 rears; rear wheel wgts., 2 hyd. remotes, 540/1000 pto, quad range trans. & 6,267 hrs. (Ser. # 4240H001326R); JD 4230 diesel tractor w/CAH, dual hyd., 540/1000 pto, quad range trans., 18.4x38 rears & 8,604 hrs. (Ser. # 4230041458R); JD 4020 diesel tractor w/Cozy cab, 540/1000 pto, dual hyd., 18.4x34 rears, 500 hrs. on complete motor rebuild, partial transmission overhaul, AC not working, 9,226 hrs. (Ser. #T213R225115R); Ford 8600 diesel tractor w/cab, dual hyd., 540/1000 pto, 1000 hrs. on new clutch, pto engine replaced, 18.4x38 rears & 5,986 hrs. (Ser. # 476772); Farmall 706 diesel open station tractor w/dual pto, fast hitch, 18.4x38 rears, (4,000 hrs. on combine 301 engine Ser. #5964SY) & 6,990 hrs.; Farmall H gas tractor w/narrow front, 13.6x38 rears, & newer paint (Ser. # FBH19249)

Hay & Forage
2018 NH Roll-Belt 460 silage special crop cutter round hay baler w/hyd. wide pickup, roto cut, endless belts, drop pan, net only, in cab density control, 540 pto. & only 3,904 bales (Ser. #HBJEB460LHN195490); NH 1412 10’ impeller disc-bine w/light package (Ser. #679753); Kuhn RW 1600 self loading individual bale wrapper w/only 4207 bales (Ser. #V6E W000847); Kelderman 10 wheel hyd. bi-fold V style hay rake; Agco 4 pod hyd.-wing fold hay tedder (Ser. #4227); NH 316 hay baler w/#75 thrower; H&S 9x18 steel bale throw rack w/gear; (2) H&S 9x16 steel bale throw racks w/Kory gears; Walker 9x16 steel bale throw rack w/gear; Allied 50’ hay elevator w/elec. motor; Little Giant 32’ hay & grain elevator w/elec. motor; Ford steel rolled hay crusher/conditioner;

Planting & Tillage
JD 7000 4 row wide corn planter w/dry fert. & monitor; IH 510 9 ½’ S.D. mech. lift grain drill w/front grass seed boxes, Brillion 7 shank 10’ disc-chisel; (2) Kvernland 4x16 SAR semi-mount plows; IH 13’ wheel disk; IH 37 12’ wheel disk w/serrated blades; IH 12’ wheel disk w/serrated front blades; IH 12’ wheel disk; (4) 3 section spike tooth drags; 4 section 24’ spike tooth cart drag; 10’ Case cultipacker w/ (2) 4’ wings, extends to 16’;

General Farm
IH 1440 diesel 2WD axial flow combine w/CAH, 28Lx26 fronts & 3,580 hrs.(Ser. # 1680230U021655); #820 13’ bean head; #810 13’ grain head; #810 10’ dummy pickup head; 1044-4 wide row corn head; Degelman 14’ rock rake; Degelman 4 batt. rock picker; (3) Derco 220 bu. pto power gravity boxes w/E-Z Trail & Gehl gears; Long 15’ stalk chopper; 3 pt. or loader mount 2 prong bale spear; 3 pt. bale spear; JD 800 gas swather w/11’ head; JD 800 gas swather w/10’ head w/canvas; 3 yard hyd. dump box; 3 pt. post hole digger;

1993 Dodge Ram 150 4x4 gas reg. cab pickup truck w/5 sp. trans.; several sets of 18.4x38 & 18.4x34 clamp on duals; asst. of tractor, truck & implement tires; grain aerators; hyd. cylinders; misc. oats, corn, clover & alfalfa seed, fence posts, some misc. tools & parts; (2) 260 gal. fuel barrels; (1) 260 gal. fuel barrel w/stand; Lincoln Ideal Arc 250 AC/DC welder; 6 box Ultra 5 bale wrap; 1 roll 48” net wrap; 4 sections of Freudenthal four headlock stalls; (2) steel wheels.

Feed & Fixtures
Hay & Straw: approx. 400 small square bales older grass hay; approx. 1000 small square bales of straw
Schuld approx. 6 tn. bulk feed bin; (2) Madison stave silos (14x52 & 18x50); P&D 12’ ring drive silo unloader w/5 HP

Harrington & Richardson Topper Mod. 098 12 ga., single shot (Ser #HJ325011); Browning 12 ga. pump shotgun, Invector plus (Ser. #44331NP121); Ruger M77 Mark II 7MM Rem Mag, LH bolt (Ser. #780-86565); 1940 Russian Mauser military rifle w/standup site (Ser. #2551); Winchester Mod. 70 7 mm Rem/Magnum w/Tasco scope (Ser. #1565840); Boito-Brazil 20 ga., single shot (Ser. #406360); Rexio-Argentina 45 cal/410 pistol (Ser. #074932)

Mark & Chris Kempen

SALES MANAGER PH 715-223-6345

Auctioneers: Tim Schindler, Curtiss, WI – Auctioneer (715) 223-4014 Registered Wisconsin Auctioneer #191

Terms: On site bidding: Cash or check w/NO BUYERS FEE. All purchases must be settled for on sale day, if credit is desired, contact Christensen Sales Corp. prior to sale day. Internet bidding with 3 % Buyers Fee - $1,000 Max per item. See website for payment terms and conditions.