Auction Details
Located from Rib Lake, WI: 2 miles East on Hwy 102 to CTH C, then 5 miles South on CTH C.
N5943 CTH C, Rib Lake, WI
Wednesday, April 23, 2025 - 10:00 AM
Lunch by Our Maker's Acres
NH TG285 MFWD diesel tractor w/CAH, R-46 rears w/hub duals, 3 pto shafts, 4 hyd. remotes, 18 sp. powershift, buddy seat, 12 front weights, super steer & 12,000 hrs. (Ser. #JAW131498); AC 7000 diesel tractor w/cab, dual hyd., 540 pto, 3pt. & 6,000 hrs.; Deutz D80-06 2WD diesel tractor w/cab, 540 pto & 9,132 hrs. (motor had been built); Deutz D 6806 2WD open station tractor w/9,644 hrs.; NH L160 diesel skid steer w/1 sp. trans., cab & heat, mat bucket, ext. hyd. & 3,706 hrs.; NH 6’ quick attach high profile mat bucket; AC WD gas tractor w/narrow front;
Hay & Forage
NH Roll-Belt 450 silage special round baler w/540 pto (4’x5’ bales-bought last year-less than 1,000 bales- Ser. #YNN209895); NH 313 Plus 13’ hydro-swing Mo-Max II disc-bine w/1,000 pto. & rubber roll, (used 1 season-2 years on warranty- Ser. #YON279049); NH 570 hay baler w/#72 thrower & hyd. adjust swing (1 owner); Anderson Hybrid-X Tri-inline portable pull type bale wrapper (rounds & big squares-2016-#66-T6117); Kuhn GF 222T 2 pod hay tedder (2 yrs. old-1 owner); NH FP-240 chopper w/29P wide hay head, light package, small 1,000 pto, Metal Alert II & 30 acres on new knives; NH 824 2 row corn head; Kuhn SR 112G11 12 wheel hyd. wing fold speed rake (2 yrs. old-1 owner); Meyer TSS 4516 16’ chopper box w/left hand discharge & Meyers 10 tn. gear; H&S Super 7+4 16’ steel chopper box w/Knoweles 12 tn. gear (needs apron repair); H&S 8x16 steel bale throw rack w/gear; Meyers 9x16 steel bale throw rack w/E-Z Trail gear; H&S 9x16 steel bale throw rack w/gear; older 8x16 wooden bale throw rack w/gear; older 8x16 steel bale throw rack w/gear; Hesston 7140 chopper w/hay head; H&S 8’ hay tedder; Case IH 600 540 pto blower; 38’ pto hay elevator w/transport; JD 428 50’ hay & grain elevator w/pto;
Planting & Tillage
Kinze 2600 16-31 corn/soybean planter w/16 new in box Precision plant seed meters; JD 1750 conservation 6 row 30” corn planter w/dry fert., seed box ext., insecticide boxes, new augers, monitor, cross fert. auger, & 65 gal. pop fert. barrel/applicator; JD 8300 13’ D.D. grain drill w/front grass seed boxes, 7 ½” spacing, rear hitch & rear pack wheels; JD 630 30’ hyd. wing fold wheel disk; White 445 11 shank 13’ disc-chisel w/Midwest rear harrow; JD 960 20’ hyd. wing fold cultivator w/rear harrow; JD 950 15’ cultimulcher; Krause 3100 30’ soil finisher w/rear harrow; 4 row 3 pt. cultivator; IH 510 10’ S.D. grain drill w/rear grass seed boxes; Kvernland 5x16 SAR semi-mount plow; 12’ field digger, Glencoe 14’ chisel plow, Brillion 13’ cultimulcher; JD 220 20’ center fold disk (parts); Wilbeck 9 shank digger/chisel;
Consigned Tillage Equip.: The following two items are consigned by another farmer; both items are in like new cond. For info call Larry at 715-581-3715 Landoll 6230 22’ hyd. wing fold disk w/hyd. depth control, rock cushion gangs & 23” blades (/Ser. #62D1303916); Landoll Soilmaster II #1200 7 shank 9 1/2’ disk chisel (Ser. #04H500512)
Combines & Heads
JD 9860 TS Bullet Rotar 2WD diesel combine w/CAH, bin ext., 4,032 engine hrs., 2,948 separator hrs., 710/70R38 fronts w/duals & 665-2-600-65-28 fronts (Ser. # H09860S720913); JD 635F 35’ Hydra-Flex bean head w/CWS air system; Industrias America 435 35’ tandem grain head wg.; JD 893 8 row poly cone corn head; E-Z Trail #680 24’ head cart; JD #322060 pickup head (#3114461906); JD 918 18’ soybean head (Ser. # H00918F670853); Gleaner K2 2WD combine w/cab, 3 row A-330 30” corn head, 12’ grain head (only 400 actual hrs.);
General Farm
Haybuster rock rake/picker combo (1 owner-very little use); United Tool approx. 500 bu. grain wg. w/1,000 pto; Meyers 3465 polyboard tandem box manure spreader w/new apron, 1,000 r.p.m. (1 –owner); MC 15’ 1,000 r.p.m. stalk chopper older 3 batt. 5’ rock picker; small gravity box w/gear; Fricklin 231 gravity box /gear; H&S 20’ steel feeder wg.; H&S 20’ steel feeder wg. (salvage); Rhino RD6 6’ 3 pt. rotary mower; Kato-light 25,000 watt generator w/trailer;
Special Item & Misc.
2010 Kawasaki Nomad 1500 3 wheel trike motorcycle w/24,232 mi; Cub Cadet LTX 1046 riding lawn mower w/46” deck & Kohler 22 h.p. motor; 1,000 gal. poly nurse tank; Uebler S.S. power feed cart w/gas motor; misc. Uebler feed carts for parts; 12’ end loader mount snow bucket; older Westondorf quick attach hyd. loader; misc. tools, misc. hardware, pto shafts; 6 rolls of net wrap, silo pipe, misc. steel gates; port. barn fans, round bale feeders; 2 Powder River 12’ silage bunks; 3 Macksteel 10’ silage bunks; cherry lumber, cement mixer, misc. drinking cups
approx. 200 bales of line wrapped round hay bales; approx. 400 small square bales of grass hay
Duane & Jean Goodnoe Owners
SALES MANAGER PH 715-223-6345
Auctioneers: Tim Schindler, Curtiss, WI – Auctioneer (715) 223-4014 Registered Wisconsin Auctioneer #191
Terms: On site bidding: Cash or check w/NO BUYERS FEE. All purchases must be settled for on sale day, if credit is desired, contact Christensen Sales Corp. prior to sale day. Internet bidding with 3 % Buyers Fee - $1,000 Max per item. See website for payment terms and conditions.