
Auction Details

N5587 CTH J, Kennan, WI

Located from Prentice, WI: 15 miles West on Hwy 8 to CTH J, then 3 miles North on CTH J to farm. OR from Ladysmith, WI: 26 miles East on Hwy 8 to CTH J, then 3 miles North on CTH J to farm.

Friday, April 11, 2025 - 11:30 AM
Lunch by Our Maker's Acres

59 Head of High Grade Holstein Dairy Cattle
41 Holstein cows (8 are R&W Hol.), 9 close springing heifers, 9 Holstein heifers bred 6-7 mo.

This is a very young herd w/over half the herd being in their 1st or 2nd lactation. The herd is well timed for the sale w/15 cows being recently fresh as well as another 10 dry cows close to calving. Current bulk tank receipts show a 65 lb. tank average w/4.2% B.F. 3.01 P and SCC in the 80-130,000 range. This herd has not been pushed for production but will feature several fresh cows milking from 85 to over 100 lbs. per day. The herd is housed in a tie stall barn, accustomed to being switched into a bedding pack barn and left out daily for exercise. This has been a predominately home bred closed herd for many years and have recently received their Triangle 10 vacc. Several Red & White and red factored cows are selling w/all cows bred to polled R&W bulls for the last five years. All pertinent production, SCC & breeding info will be posted. There are very few dairy herds in the Kennan-Price County area, but if you are looking for good young replacement cows or springing heifers, it would certainly be worth the trip.

Nick & Jennifer Quinnell

SALES MANAGER PH 715-223-6345

Auctioneers: Tim Schindler, Curtiss, WI – Auctioneer (715) 223-4014 Registered Wisconsin Auctioneer #191

All purchases must be settled for on sale day, cash or check; if credit is desired, contact Christensen Sales Corp. prior to sale day.